49. [L + S] Real English Conversation: Having Roommates [4m07s]

#6: Having Roommates

Bổ túc từ mới trước khi nghe

Từ / Cụm từ Phiên âm Nghĩa Ví dụ
extroverted /ˈeks.trə.vɜːr.t̬ɪd/ (adj) hướng ngoại (outgoing, enjoying being with other people) - Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?
personality /ˌpɜːr.səˈnæ.lə.t̬i/ (n) nhân cách, nhân phẩm, tính cách (the type of person you are, shown by the way you behave, feel, and think) - She has such a kind, friendly personality.
- His wife has a strong personality.
temperament /ˈtem.prə.mən.t/ (n) tính, tính khí - The twins look alike, but they differ in temperament.
- In temperament, she was the complete opposite to her sister.
- His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties.
in terms of về việc (in relation to something; regarding something; concerning something) - We try to do what is best for our customers in terms of the quality of our products.
- I don't know what to do in terms of John's problem.
permanent /ˈpɜːr.mə.nən.t/ (adj) dài hạn, lâu dài, lâu bền (lasting for a long time or for ever) - a permanent job; permanent staff
- Are you looking for a temporary or a permanent job?
- The accident left him with permanent brain damage.
appeal /əˈpiːl/ (n) sức lôi cuốn, quyến rũ (a quality that makes somebody/something attractive or interesting) - The Beatles have never really lost their appeal.
- The book will appeal to young readers.
- She still has the energy and sex appeal of a woman less than half her age.
ironically /aɪˈrɑːnɪk.li/ (adv) trớ trêu thay (in a way that is different or opposite from the result you would expect) - Ironically, his cold got better on the last day of his holiday.
- Ironically, most people came to watch the match on the day it poured with rain.
rural /ˈrʊ.rəl/ (adj) (thuộc) nông thôn, thôn dã (connected with or like the countryside) - Extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas.
furnished /ˈfɜːr.nɪʃt/ (adj) có sẵn đồ đạc, được trang bị đồ đạc
(of a house, room, etc.) containing furniture
- The house was simply furnished.
- The hotel is modern and comfortably furnished.
- Are you looking for furnished accommodation?
furnish /ˈfɜːr.nɪʃ/ (v) cung cấp, trang bị đồ đạc cho ngôi nhà (to put furniture in a house, room, etc.) - They've furnished the room very simply.
- The room was furnished with antiques.
- The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets, 2 showers, and 2 sinks.
agency /ˈeɪ.dʒən.si/ (n) đại lý, chi nhánh, môi giới
(a business or an organization that provides a particular service especially on behalf of other businesses or organizations)
- You can book at your local travel agency.
- The employment agency exists to match up graduates and IT companies.
deal with (phrasal verb)
1. giải quyết, xử lý
2. đề cập đến
3. giao du, giao thiệp với ai
- She has a lot of correspondence to deal with.
- I'll ask my personal assistant to deal with this.
- They try to deal politely with angry customers.
- The film deals with alienation in modern life.
- He is difficult to deal with.
practical /ˈpræk.tɪ.kl/ (adj) 1. thực tế, thực tiễn (relating to experience, real situations, or actions rather than ideas or imagination)
2. có ích, thiết thực, phù hợp (useful or suitable)
- This book is too theoretical. I need a practical guide.
- Heavy boots aren't very practical for running.
overseas /ˌoʊvərˈsiːz/ (adj) hải ngoại, sống ở nước ngoài (connected with foreign countries, especially those separated from your country by the sea or ocean) - Her boss recommended a permanent transfer overseas.
- My brother is a student overseas.
- We need to open up overseas markets.
- There are a lot of overseas students studying at our college.
settle down (phrasal verb) ổn định (to begin to live a quieter life by getting married or staying permanently in a place; to become familiar with a place and to feel happy and confident in it) - When are you going to marry and settle down?
- She quickly settled down in her new house/job/school.
- The children soon settled down and started their work.
Dachshund /ˈdɑːk.shʊn.d/ (n) chó mình dài chân ngắn (chó lạp xưởng)
(sausage dog - a small dog with a long body, long ears and very short legs)
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Adam: Hi Sarah. Today we’re talking about lifestyle options. So my first question would be would you rather live with a roommate or live by yourself?

Sarah: This one would definitely depend on who the roommate is. I have lived alone many times and I’ve also had lots of different roommates, and I found that any roommate that’s extroverted does not work well with me. I find that like if I come home and they’re there, like I don’t want to be there. So I leave again, or I just go in my room, close the door.

I think the worst situation was when I lived with my sister. She is very extroverted, and we were working the same types of jobs and spending a lot of time together. When I came home, I just wanted to be alone. And so I would go in my room and she thought that I didn’t love her, I didn’t want to spend time with her. But really, you know, I just needed my space.

So in that case, living alone is better. But if I have someone who is more similar in personality to me, then it works well to have a roommate. I currently have a roommate and we get along really well because we have similar temperaments. And so, yeah, it works well for us.

Adam: So would you say that opposites don’t attract?

Sarah: When it comes to living together, absolutely not.

Adam: Hmm. How about your living situation in terms of a house or an apartment, which one would you prefer?

Sarah: Definitely an apartment because to me a house seems permanent. And I love change. So I also move a lot. I have moved to a new place every two years or less for like the past 12 years of my life. So the thought of having a house and being stuck in one place doesn’t really appeal to me.

Adam: I can understand that. This apartment of yours, would you prefer it to be in the city or in the countryside?

Sarah: I would naturally say city, but ironically, most of the places I have lived have been more countryside or rural because that’s where I found work. But in the future, I think I would like to live in a larger city.

Adam: Any cities in mind?

Sarah: Not right now. I’m still trying to decide about what country I want to move to next.

Adam: How about this apartment of yours in the city, would it be furnished or unfurnished?

Sarah: Interesting you ask that, because the apartment I’m currently in is unfurnished. And when I moved here, it was really complicated to try to furnish it because I live on the fifth floor and there is no elevator. And it became quickly very problematic when I moved in trying to get things.

But when I was coming, the apartment agency that I was dealing with told me that there weren’t any furnished apartments in the area where I lived. So I thought it was the only option when really it wasn’t.

Adam: Yeah, the fifth floor, you must have got some good exercise carrying all that stuff up there.

Sarah: Definitely.

Adam: How do you feel about pets?

Sarah: I love animals. I would love to have a dog or a rabbit. When I lived in China, I had a rabbit. But it’s just not practical for my life because I live overseas and I go back and forth between the States visiting family. And it’s just not practical to have one. So maybe one day if I ever settle down.

Adam: A dog, a rabbit?

Sarah: Probably a dog. Dog would be first option definitely, a Dachshund. My favorite animal is Dachshund.

Adam: Those are cute.

Sarah: Yeah.


Để cải thiện khả năng nghe tiếng Anh, chỉ xem để tìm ra những phần nghe khuyết sau khi đã cố gắng nghe nhiều lần, nhiều lần mà vẫn không thể nghe ra chính xác những từ người bản xứ nói. Làm vậy để hình thành dần thói quen không lệ thuộc vào phụ đề. Khi xem phụ đề, chú ý cách người bản xứ nối âm trong từng câu, ngữ điệu, trọng âm lên xuống, những ending sound của những từ đứng đơn lẻ ngoài -s, -ed ví dụ như list, rest, like, watch, of ... (ghi nhớ ending sound sẽ giúp nghe được nối âm một cách tự nhiên), và những phát âm dạng rút gọn 's, 've, 'd, 're ... sau đó đọc lại từng câu đúng theo những chú ý này. Đọc làm gì? Luyện nghe thôi đọc làm gì? Thứ nhất để rèn khẩu hình miệng cho speaking, khi nói một câu dài, có rất nhiều chỗ mình tưởng chừng dễ nhưng khi nói thì méo hết mồm như kiểu bị ngắn lưỡi vậy, và chỉ luyện nói mới giúp mình phát hiện và cải thiện được những chỗ khuyết này. Thứ hai cũng là để cải thiện nghe, mình không nghe được chính xác từ mặc dù đã biết từ đó vì trong đầu đang tồn tại một phát âm sai của từ theo kiểu Việt hóa (do nhìn thoáng qua từ và đoán phát âm hoặc nghe được từ những người xung quanh phát âm sai nên cũng hình thành phát âm sai theo - tất cả đều là mình không cẩn thận trong việc tự tập phát âm chuẩn). Vì vậy việc đọc ra thành lời là cực kì quan trọng.



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      Mẹo nhỏ nhắc nhở mình học tiếng Anh

      Trước khi kết thúc, mình muốn chia sẻ nốt một mẹo cho những bạn mới học và rất rất rất lười lười lười giống mình. Xuất phát là một đứa lười, nên mình hiểu việc tạo một thói quen học tiếng Anh là rất khó, nhiều lúc biết nguồn hay để học tiếng Anh, nhưng cũng lười đến nỗi chả buồn vào. Vì vậy mình chợt nảy ra một ý nghĩ nếu bật trình duyệt lên mà trang cần học có sẵn ngay thì sao nhỉ, chắc chắn là lười quá mức thì vẫn sẽ tắt nó đi rồi mở tab facebook hoặc tab xem phim như bình thường, nhưng ít ra nó đã nhắc nhở mình cần phải học tiếng Anh, học luôn và ngay, hơn là vào lại trang đó, tìm tìm phần cần học nghe đã muốn lười.

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