57. [L + S] Real English Conversation: Dream Time [3m57s]

#14: Dream Time

Bổ túc từ mới trước khi nghe

Từ / Cụm từ Phiên âm Nghĩa Ví dụ
rare /re.r/ (adj)
1. hiếm (not common; very unusual)
2. sống, chưa chín ((of meat) not cooked for very long and still red)
- Talent like hers is rare in someone so young.
- He has a collection of rare insect specimens.
- I'd like my steak rare, please.
- ‘How would you like your steak?’ - ‘Rare.’
fast-paced (adj) happening very quickly
+ (n,v) pace: nhịp độ, tốc độ
- Life in pre-war Britain was simpler and less fast-paced.
- the fast-paced evolution of information technology.
wait on (phrasal verb) phục vụ, cung cấp cho ai đó mọi thứ họ cần hoặc muốn (to serve people or take care of their needs) - They have two people waiting on each table.
- When I was sick, my mom waited on me.
- My job is to wait on people at the bar.
- She waited on customers all day at the department store.
yell at (phrasal verb) quát, lớn tiếng (to shout at someone or something, usually in anger) - I'm sorry that I yelled at you last night.
- Please don't yell at me.
- She yelled at the children to sit down.
furious /ˈfjʊ.ri.əs/ (adj) giận dữ, điên tiết (very angry, extremely angry) - My wife was furious that I forgot her birthday.
- I was late and he was furious with me.
- I was furious when he crashed my car.
recurring /rɪˌkɜːrɪŋ/ (n) 1. định kì, tuần hoàn, lặp đi lặp lại (happening many times, happening again and again) - I keep having recurring nightmares.
- 10 divided by 3 is 3.3 recurring (= 3.3333...).
- She has a recurring nightmare about being stuck in a lift.
- Love is a recurring theme in the book.
cliff /klɪf/ (n) vách đá (a high area of rock with a very steep side, often at the edge of the sea or ocean)
- He held on to the rope, and slipped down the cliff slowly.
reoccur /ˌriːəˈkɜːr/ (v) tái phát, lặp lại
(to happen again or a number of times)
+ Syn: recur - recurring
- They are hoping that the cancer will not reoccur.
- We want to ensure that such problems do not reoccur in the future.
panic /ˈpæ.nɪk/ (n, v) hoang mang, hoảng loạn, hoảng hốt
(to suddenly feel so worried or frightened. When you panic, you react suddenly to uncontrollable fear.)
- Don't panic! Everything will be okay.
- Nhung was in a panic about her exam.
- Don't panic! We'll soon get you out of there.
- When I lost my wallet, I panicked.
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Sarah: So do you dream a lot? Do you remember your dreams?

Todd: I usually do. Although, I have to admit, now that I'm older, I don't dream so much. It's pretty rare that I have a dream. But I will have dreams if I'm really stressed or if I'm really sick. So usually, every time I get sick, I notice I'm sick because I have a dream. And I'll wake up in the middle of the night from some crazy dream and then I'll notice, oh wow, I'm sick.

So yeah, that's about it.

Sarah: That's very interesting.

Todd: Yeah. Although, you know, when I was younger, I used to have all these dreams related to work. I guess they were stress related. And the craziest dream was, I was a waiter at a very fast-paced restaurant, and it was very stressful. And you had to wait on about 10 tables, and people would come in and you have to get their food fast. And if you didn't, you'd get yelled at by the boss or the customers would be upset.

So I used to have this dream – and this is when I was in college, that I would be sleeping and there would be a table in my room and the customers would be sitting there watching me sleep, and they would be furious because I wasn't bringing their food. I was like just sleeping in the bed right next to their table. And it was the same nightmare I had for – like again and again and again. It was crazy.

Sarah: That's really interesting. And kind of funny, too.

Todd: Yeah, I know. And it's weird how you have the same recurring dream. I used to have another dream, a nightmare when I was young. And it would be – I was riding a bicycle up like a mountain and the mountain was – like had a path that just kept going around and around the mountain. And you had to be really careful or else your bike would fall off the cliff. And then, my bike of course would go off the cliff and I would fall, fall, fall and you would wake up right before you hit the ground.

I had that dream many, many times when I was a little kid.

Sarah: Wow.

Todd: Yeah.

Sarah: Yeah.

Todd: Do you ever have nightmares or any dreams like that?

Sarah: Yeah. I don't dream very often but I have this one reoccurring dream also where I am in school and it's at the end of the semester and I suddenly realized that there's one class that I haven't been going to the entire semester and I'm going to fail it. So I panic and I'm running around like trying to find my professor to like try to figure out what I need to do or what I need to study for the final exam so that I don't fail this class.

But what's really interesting about this dream is I found out a few years ago that my father has the same reoccurring dream.

Todd: Wow. You know, this is going to sound crazy. I've had that dream, too. I've had a dream of like I registered for a course in college and I never went to the course, and I'm going to get an F. And I don't even remember when I registered or where the class is but I didn't finish the class. Is that the same dream?

Sarah: Exact same dream.

Todd: Wow. I wonder what it means.

Sarah: Me too.

Todd: Maybe there's somebody out there that really knows what it means and they're like, "Uh-oh, those two people are doomed."

Sarah: There must be a lot of people with that dream.

Todd: Yeah. And maybe that's it, like there's certain structures. Like I know that the bike dream that I have about falling off the cliff, I've heard that many people have that. Yeah.

Have you ever heard about the dream – I had it a couple of times, a dream where you're in class and then you suddenly notice that you don't have any clothes on and you're afraid that people are going to notice you don't have any clothes on?

Sarah: No, I've never had that one.

Todd: Yeah. That was one when I was really, really little, but yeah.

Sarah: I've heard that some people – a lot of people have dreams about their teeth falling out and that this means that like they're afraid of losing something in their life.

Todd: Really?

Sarah: Something that's really important to them.

Todd: Oh wow. So if you're teeth are falling, you're going to lose something.

Sarah: Yeah.

Todd: Wow.

Sarah: Or you're afraid of losing something because most people, their teeth are really important to them.

Todd: Yeah. Interesting. Well, I don't have any nightmares anymore. It's pretty rare. How about you?

Sarah: Yeah. Same as me. Thank goodness.

Todd: Yeah. Maybe it's just a young thing.

Sarah: Maybe.


Để cải thiện khả năng nghe tiếng Anh, chỉ xem để tìm ra những phần nghe khuyết sau khi đã cố gắng nghe nhiều lần, nhiều lần mà vẫn không thể nghe ra chính xác những từ người bản xứ nói. Làm vậy để hình thành dần thói quen không lệ thuộc vào phụ đề. Khi xem phụ đề, chú ý cách người bản xứ nối âm trong từng câu, ngữ điệu, trọng âm lên xuống, những ending sound của những từ đứng đơn lẻ ngoài -s, -ed ví dụ như list, rest, like, watch, of ... (ghi nhớ ending sound sẽ giúp nghe được nối âm một cách tự nhiên), và những phát âm dạng rút gọn 's, 've, 'd, 're ... sau đó đọc lại từng câu đúng theo những chú ý này. Đọc làm gì? Luyện nghe thôi đọc làm gì? Thứ nhất để rèn khẩu hình miệng cho speaking, khi nói một câu dài, có rất nhiều chỗ mình tưởng chừng dễ nhưng khi nói thì méo hết mồm như kiểu bị ngắn lưỡi vậy, và chỉ luyện nói mới giúp mình phát hiện và cải thiện được những chỗ khuyết này. Thứ hai cũng là để cải thiện nghe, mình không nghe được chính xác từ mặc dù đã biết từ đó vì trong đầu đang tồn tại một phát âm sai của từ theo kiểu Việt hóa (do nhìn thoáng qua từ và đoán phát âm hoặc nghe được từ những người xung quanh phát âm sai nên cũng hình thành phát âm sai theo - tất cả đều là mình không cẩn thận trong việc tự tập phát âm chuẩn). Vì vậy việc đọc ra thành lời là cực kì quan trọng.



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      Mẹo nhỏ nhắc nhở mình học tiếng Anh

      Trước khi kết thúc, mình muốn chia sẻ nốt một mẹo cho những bạn mới học và rất rất rất lười lười lười giống mình. Xuất phát là một đứa lười, nên mình hiểu việc tạo một thói quen học tiếng Anh là rất khó, nhiều lúc biết nguồn hay để học tiếng Anh, nhưng cũng lười đến nỗi chả buồn vào. Vì vậy mình chợt nảy ra một ý nghĩ nếu bật trình duyệt lên mà trang cần học có sẵn ngay thì sao nhỉ, chắc chắn là lười quá mức thì vẫn sẽ tắt nó đi rồi mở tab facebook hoặc tab xem phim như bình thường, nhưng ít ra nó đã nhắc nhở mình cần phải học tiếng Anh, học luôn và ngay, hơn là vào lại trang đó, tìm tìm phần cần học nghe đã muốn lười.

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