62. [L + S] [Video] EF Vlog - Angelina explores Coronado Island, San Diego [5m9s]

#19: Angelina explores Coronado Island, San Diego

Bổ túc từ mới trước khi nghe

Từ / Cụm từ Phiên âm Nghĩa Ví dụ
playground /ˈpleɪ.ɡraʊnd/ (n) sân chơi
1. an outdoor area where children can play, especially at a school or in a park
2. a place where a particular type of people go to enjoy themselves
- The resort is a playground of the rich and famous.
- I love smimming in summer. So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea. Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if it's not very hot.
- The local council is supplying new play equipment for the playground.
- The girls were skipping in the playground.
- Dubai is the playground of the Middle East's elite.
balcony /ˈbæl.kə.ni/ (n) 1. ban công (an area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the outside wall of a building on an upper level)
2. bao lơn (chỗ nhô ra ngoài tầng gác, có cửa thông với phòng trong và có lan can quây chung quanh)
(an area of seats at an upper level in a theatre)
- We had drinks on the hotel balcony.
- The whole building has no balcony.
- How is the view from the balcony?
- Our seats are in row F of the balcony.
- He was watching a performance from the balcony.
melt away (phrasal verb) tan đi, tan biến đi (to disappear slowly)
+ (v) melt: tan chảy, nấu chảy
- As the police sirens were heard, the crowd started to melt away.
- I suddenly felt sorry for him and my anger melted away.
- The sun melted the ice away.
rental /ˈren.tl/ (n) 1. đồ cho thuê (a house, car, or piece of equipment that you can rent)
2. tiền thuê (nhà đất, ...) (the amount of money that you pay to use something for a particular period of time)
- ‘Is this your own car?’ - ‘No, it's a rental.’
- Is that your car or is it a rental?
- Video rental is usually £3.
- The land leases at a monthly rental of $500.
- I've paid this month's television rental.
- The rental on the TV includes maintenance and repairs.
flag /flæɡ/ (n) cờ (a piece of cloth, usually rectangular and attached to a pole at one edge, that has a pattern that shows it represents a country or a group, or has a particular meaning) - the Italian flag
- the flag of Italy
- Every morning the flag is raised on its pole.
- The US flag has fifty stars on it.
- A white flag is used as a token of surrender.
palm tree /pɑːm triː/ (n) cây cọ
(a straight tree with a mass of long leaves at the top, growing in tropical countries. There are several types of palm tree, some of which produce fruit)
surfer /ˈsɜːr.fər/ (n) người lướt sóng, lướt web
- a person who goes surfing - rides on a wave on a special board
- a person who spends a lot of time using the Internet
- My uncles likes surfing very much. He is a good surfer.
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Hi everyone! Today, I’m on the island of Coronado, which is an island just outside of San Diego. You can go here by car over a bridge, overlooking the water and skyline. It’s absolutely beautiful. Or, you can take a boat. And look at this beach! It’s incredible!

Wow, it’s really hot today. I wish I’d brought my bathing suit!

This is the Hotel del Coronado. I don’t know if you recognize it, but you might. It was in the 1959 Billy Wilder movie called Some Like it Hot starring Marilyn Monroe. They shot a lot of the scenes here on the beach and they actually shot some at the hotel as well. The hotel was built in 1888 and it is the second largest wooden structure in the United States. In the 1920s, it was the playground for all the Hollywood celebrities so they would come down here to San Diego to party and drink and have a good time. Today, it’s still a really big hotel and resort and a lot of people come here, celebrities as well.

Wow, it really is beautiful here. It’s a really nice place if you just want to come here and walk around. It must be incredible to live in the hotel and be able to overlook the ocean. The view!

They even have a beach bar. If I were to stay at this hotel, I would probably choose one of these little beach villas. How nice would it be to wake up in the morning and go out on your balcony, take a deep breath and breathe in the ocean air. I wouldn’t mind doing that every day.

You know, guys, it’s really fun being in the sun, but it can also get pretty exhausting and I’m super hot right now, so I know just what to get because I’m melting away.

Ta-da! Ice cream, of course. This is probably the biggest ice cream I’ve ever had. Let’s see if it tastes good. Ready? Mmmm. That’s really good. Wow. Chocolate ice cream, whipped cream, bananas …. Dreamy. Perfect on a hot day.

Wow. That ice cream was really something. This is the city centre of Coronado with a population of around 25,000.

Coronado is actually Spanish and it means “the crowned one,” so the city’s nickname now is The Crowned City.

This is the main shopping street, so you have all the shops, coffee places, restaurants … everything you need.

This one’s nice! I like the colors. Very beachy.

I wonder if you can rent these bicycles or just purchase them. I notice that a lot of people actually ride bicycles around here. It’s perfect because you’re on the island, so why take a car when you can take a bike?

These look like … oh, they’re e-bike rentals. You can actually rent these. I guess they have a motor on them, so you don’t have to …

You can get acai bowls. Lots of people eat acai bowls in California.

Oh, look! Postcards! Let’s see this one. I guess this is the waterfront of San Diego. They have a lot of different ones. Oh, here’s one of Coronado. That’s the hotel. Hotel del Coronado, that’s what it’s called. And then, obviously, the flag of California. You see that one everywhere.

I just love it when you can walk down the street and you have all these beautiful trees, like the palm trees. It just looks nice – so inviting, I think. Especially now, that the sun is shining, it’s just beautiful.

I’ve had a really fun day here in Coronado. I got to spend time on the beach, enjoy the sun, and I had a really amazing ice cream. Now, I want to know, what is your favorite ice cream flavor? Comment below and you can win this super cute coin purse with a surfer and the sunset on it. Don’t forget to watch next week. See you!


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